We grew up with fairy tales for bedtime stories so in a very early age, we were subconsciously looking for our very own Prince Charmings. I guess most of the girls would agree with me that this waiting & searching for our Prince Charming is quite a frustrating game of hide and seek. Yes, blame it on fairy tales for sugarcoating the truth about finding Mr. Right. If you put the Prince Charming of our childhood tales in the 21th century, he would be portrayed as a son of a rich politician or business man, dashingly handsome, oozing with charm and appeal and might have skills in shooting guns & driving a fast car. He portrays a man that is perfect on paper. And we, women, are seeking just that a man good on paper; someone that matches the Prince Charming ideals; some that we can parade around and brag about to our friends that we now have someone fill the role of our Prince Charming of our life. But is that all to it? A list of check-lists of what might look good in paper? Maybe the cartoon movie, Shrek, is more truthful than the tales we grew up with.
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taken from http://barnabasfurthblog.blogspot.com |
If all the fairy tales princess could just talk to us and tell the naked truth. They would say that Prince Charming has been cheating in all of them. They would reveal that the Prince Charming of Rapunzel is actually gay and is more interested in styling Rapunzel's hair. They would say that not all frogs can turn into princes. You might kiss a frog and he will turn into something worst --- a slimy snake or worst, a geeko! (yuck!). Cinderella might confide that the only reason Mr. Prince Charming choose her because he is such a lazy slob and she has a mean housekeeping skills to his advantage. Snow White would whisper that she rather have married one of the dwarfs because his husband, Mr. Prince Charming doesn't even have half the sweet & good qualities of the his diminutive counterpart.
I guess that is the disadvantages of basing real life decisions to fantasies. I tweeted earlier, "Never indulge in uncalculated fantasies. In comparison, fantasies are always better than reality but unfortunately it's just an illusion". Not all the guys that you see that has a good family name, the perfect professional credentials to brag, the most angelic face or a face that is quite similar to Chris Evans or Channing Tatum, a chiseled abs, or someone that can charms the socks off of you (Charms can also be deceiving!) is your Mr. Right. Though these maybe a perfect criteria for you to have bragging rights and to parade your man to the public, but these unfortunately are not enough ingredients for a successful relationships or marriages. Ask again the fairy tale princesses , I am sure they are all divorced by now.
What is really important to look for in your probable Mr. Right are the virtues you see in the man. Industriousness, Loyalty, Family-Oriented, Responsible, God-Fearing, Compassionate, Self-Sacrificing , Humble, Principled etc. However, these are qualities that are observed and revealed through time. Sadly, you cannot see it immediately after a few dates. If a guy tells you on a date, "I am a humble man". Is he really or just saying it because he wants to impress you? Virtues are best revealed not by declaring it but by doing it (without any hidden agenda).
I am lucky that I have a man like that for reference. He is my amazing Papa! I am proud to say that most of my girl cousins and our other young girl family friends hopes and prays that they will meet and marry someone like my Papa. They use him as a reference to what they hope for for their future hubby. My father is better than any Fairy Tale Prince, he is real. He possess virtues that are way more stable than fading goodlooks or the unreliable 'deep pocket'. He possess a quiet strength, resiliency to goals, a wacky sense of humor, humility, deep-connection with God, untiring industriousness and believes in the importance of family & hardwork. He is admirable beyond words and I am lucky to be his daughter.
Happy Father's Day Papa! My future husband will have a tough time measuring up to you, hehe and I am glad you are there so you can be a guide to aspiring daddies & hubbies that we know, hehe.... And I know that know matter what will happen, you will be there to protect me because you are, first & foremost, our Knight & Shining Armor to all of us in the family... I love you!
Happy Father's Day to all dads everywhere too! Let us honor our dads today and everyday!
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