Friday, September 27, 2024

First week of September. I went a little cat cafe in Balestier Street in Singapore for a little me-time to think of what 2024 taught me & what I hope for the remaining years of 2024. 

It was the night before my flight back to the Philippines, saying my goodbye to Singapore. Found this cute cat cafe, QQ Cats & Cafe. Ordered my go-to Caramel Macchiato with oatmilk and TIramisu. Observing the cats inside the transparent glass walls playing around.

I have always preferred dogs to cats. But I realised there are a few things we can learn from cats. 

1. Independence: Cats thrive on self-reliance, reminding us of the importance of being comfortable with our own company.

We may need people in our lives but it is important to learn to rely on ourselves because at the end of it all, we can only rely on ourselves and no one else. Learn to eat alone in restaurants, take sole trips, watch movies in cinemas alone and just enjoy your own company. Be your own bestfriend.

2. Self-care: Cats are meticulous about grooming, teaching us to prioritize self-care and personal hygiene.

This the era of self-care. It is time to glow-up, baby. We need to prioritise pampering ourselves, grooming and being our best version of ourselves. 

3. Patience: Whether waiting for the right moment to pounce or for food, cats demonstrate how patience often pays off.

We stop all the rushing. Let us take our sweet time. We will get there. Stop the non-stop hustle and bustle. Take your time, girl. Enjoy the journey. 

4. Curiosity: Their natural curiosity encourages us to explore, ask questions, and never stop learning.

Never stop being curious. Life is beautiful and has so many surprises. Discover life's wonderful surprises.

5. Adaptability: Cats are skilled at adjusting to new environments or situations, showing the importance of flexibility in life.

As life can be unpredictable, we need to be flexible and adaptable to what life's challenges and surprises.

6. Rest and Relaxation: Cats know how to enjoy downtime, reminding us of the need to rest and recharge.

Never forget to rest. When you know your body needs rest, when it feels tired & exhausted, stop pushing and please rest. We take for granted our need for rest and relaxation. Our bodies pay for it if we ignore our internal thermostat asking for rest. 

7. Confidence: Cats carry themselves with poise, encouraging us to be confident in who we are.

They don't call it 'catwalk' for nothing. That is why the models gracing the runaway sashay gracefully with head held high with confidence because they emulate the Queen-like aura of our feline friends. 

8. Boundaries: Cats are clear about setting boundaries, a reminder of how important it is to establish and maintain personal space.

Ohhh, how essential this is to protect our mental health and our peace. Know how to set boundaries and guard it with utmost care. 

9. Live in the moment: Cats are excellent at savoring the present, a gentle reminder for us to be more mindful and enjoy life as it happens.

We live only once. We should live in the present, stop worrying about the past that is gone and the future that is not here.

10. Unconditional affection: Despite their independent nature, cats show love in subtle yet meaningful ways, teaching us that affection doesn’t always have to be grandiose but can be heartfelt in small gestures.

Subtle genuine affection is all we need, no need for over-the-top gestures. 

We all can learn from cats...... Meow meow......

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