Sunday, November 13, 2011

Last week, my boyfie told me to blocked November 13 because we are going somewhere. Then he handed me brunch buffet tickets at Hotel Del Rio with live coverage of Filipino's Champion, Manny Pacquiao's 3rd boxing match with Juan Manuel Marquez. . 

I am not a big fan of boxing and I am (I know a lot of people might stone me when they see me after saying this) not a big fan of the Pacman. Eversince, I saw this old newsreport back when Mr. Pacquiao was just a rising boxing star but not what he is today, he got involve on  a fight while at the bar because he was flirting with a girlfriend of another guy. Thinking about it now, I am not sure if all of that was true because it all came from the "boyfriend"side. But after hearing that, I suddenly had a dislike for Manny Pacquiao. It didn't help when Pacquiao got 'allegedly' involved with Krista Ranillo. Hay naku, he is X in my book.... I don't like philandering men. However, with his several fights,  I also got to see his dedication in his training, his perseverance, his faith and resiliency, I couldn't help but win me over bit by bit. And now, I can say I have a total respect for the man. He deserve to be called Peoples Champion. But I will not get into his singing career, movie star attempt and being politician before I will regret what I will have to say.   

November 13, 2011. 9:45 AM. Me and my boyfie headed to Hotel Del Rio. We were joined by his colleague at Sterling Bank and their respective spouses: Maam Arianne & Kenneth; Michael and Jo; Manong Jomari. 

The place was packed. The room was crowded with tables & chairs and there were TV monitors at the four walls of the room.

I have recently made a resolution to be a more conscious and healthy eater. I have been stuffing a lot of junk in my body and unhealthy eating practices for several years and that has got to stop. So sending a neophyte healthy eater in an eat-all-you-can buffet is like sending someone in absolute frenzy. So with all the self-discipline I can muster, I carefully chose what to put in my plate. But I will not tell you how many times I came back to the buffet table, hehe...

So what are the tips in buffet dining without sacrificing your promise for a healthier diet?

1. Skip the rice
2. Don't order any sweetened drinks. Stick to water. It's free, hehe.
3. Stack more on the fish and chicken on your plate.
4. Don't skip on the veggies (chopsuey)
5. For dessert, choose the fruits
6. Go easy on the pastries
7. Try a little bit of everything (so you still get your money's worth or in my case, my boyfriend's money's worth, hehe)
8. Chew your food slowly

So while I practice the process of chewing on my food slowly, my boyfriend feel me in some boxing 101. He told me of that the sponsors can advertise through the boxers shorts and where it is placed on the shorts has a corresponding rate. Bongga! Also he told me that Joe Fraiser died recently, he is also a boxing legend that fought against Muhammad Ali. He taught me of the term technical knock-out. When a boxer cease to fight back, the referee can stop the fight and declare the opponent as the winner. I know its funny that I get amaze at these infos but I  didn't know that! Haha!

Then, it was time! They dimmed the lights. The people in the room roared with excitement. Filipina You Tube sensation, Maria Aragon, sang the Philippine National Anthem, "Lupang Hinirang." She did pretty well actually. It wasn't show-off-y or stylized though you can hear her American twang in some lines but it was pretty good.  A Grammy Mexican artist sang Marquez's country's national anthem. But I think the winner in the singing arena today is no other than Fil-Am American Idol Thia Megia. She sang the USA's Star Spangled Banner. She was amazing! She gave me goosebumps when she sang with so much passion.

Then, Marquez entered with a (sorry!) chessy song by Mexican artist. And Pacquiao entered after a video clip on his fights with the song from "Rocky", "Ëye of the Tiger".

Pacquiao and Marquez fought the whole 12 rounds. Marquez was on top shape and good form. He gave Pacquiao a run for his money. He threw several good punches on Manny. Unfortunately, Pacquiao, on the other hand,  doesn't seem to be his usual agile self on the ring. But he fought as hard as he could. I was shouting along with everyone everytime Pacquiao hits Marquez. I love a passionate crowd, haha. I should tell my boyfie that we should go to sport bars more often, hehe. I also think that even if Las Vegas (where the match was held) has a large number of residing Filipinos there, inside MGM Grand, it seems like the audience are mostly Mexicans. They keep shouting, "Marquez, Marquez!". It was definitely a neck & neck competition. All we could do  was cross our fingers and hope for the best. And when the bell rang ending the 12th round, everyone in the room were fell silent. We all knew who will win and we  are all sad.

Then they announce that the winner is...... Manny Pacquiao!!!!

What?! This is great, I want Pacquiao to win but really? We all know that Marquez fought better than Pacquiao today. I thought its based on point system? Hmmmm..... But how the heck should I know, I just learned basic boxing stuff today. That goes to show I still have a lot to learn about boxing...

image from web

Congratulations Manny! Win or Lose, you will always be the Peoples' Champion    

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